The following letter from Betsy Warrior is reprinted from Off Our Backs, January 1978 Issue:

I would like to let you know of some recent develo opments in regard to "Working on Wife Abuse," a national directory for people dealing with the issue of battered women. The directory lists refuges, services, publications, films, funding sources, task forces, etc., etc., concerned with this issue.

Because of the great need for communication on this issue, I started gathering Information in the summer of '75 and have subsequently published four editions of the directory. It's over 100 pages now and contains about 1,000 entries. I'm planning to update and republish it soon again. The direc tory is being used widely for referral by those working with batterd women and it has been reviewed in several national women's papers and newsletters (Majority Report, KNOW News, Media Report to Women) so that its existence is well known to those dealing with this problem.

Over the past few years I've managed to continue working on it and printing it by, at various times: borrowing money, working at other jobs, subsisting on welfare, etc. I received funding for the printing of one edition, I've also received some funding for the printing of one edition, and for the next edition, I've also received some funding to pay part of the printing cost. I've had difficulty in getting funding and what I did receive went directly to the printer. None of the work that's gone into it (which is a full time job) has ever been paid for. Right now, I'm existing on $52.00 a month food stamps, but am still continuing work on the direc tory and seeking funds.

In the summer of '76 I received several calls from the Center for Women Policy Studies in Washington, D.C., in regard to the directory. The Co-Direc tor of the Center for Women Policy Studies (CWPS), Margaret Gates, asked to meet with me when she was in this area. At that meeting, Gates expressed an interest in having CWPS take over the directory and having me turn over all the mail I was receiving on this issue to them. I preferred not to, as I was in. terested in keeping control of this Information within the women's movement; also it seemed unethical to give mail that had been addressed to me to someone else. I was surprised that CWPS would want to take over work that someone else had already invested so much time and effort into, had developed numer. ous contacts for, and voluminous files and resources Dear Sisters--

Just read your Jan. issue of WSW--Thought it was especially good and more lively thanks to Boos, Bravos & Tidbits, cartoons, puzzle, etc. Especially liked the Wegi article--gives one a good feeling of being part of an intelligent women's movement and never having to be alone.

In peace,

Blanche Livingstone

Program Chairperson

Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice

and Information--it would seem much more sensible to just support the work already being done. After my negative response to the CWPS proposition, I heard from them maybe once more, requesting the latest edition of the directory, which I sent. That was over a year ago.

Subsequently, I've learned a little more about CWPS. They've been much involved in the issue of rape. This came only after feminists had established

and publicized the need for such aid and had develo oped and set up programs to aid its victims. CWPS is funded by the government Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA). They're recelv. Ing over $300,000 this year alone from LEAA. In my opinion, groups like CWPS tend to take over issues that have been developed at a grass roots level after the need has been established and the hardest work done by others. Their involvement in the issue (1.e., rape, battered women) comes not from a fresh analysis born of concern that exposes problems that have been neglected or compounded before, but this involvement arises at a point when an issue has become "credible", "fashionable", and, even more importantly, "fundable". Because of this, perspectives and goals are often different from those of the initiating groups--to the detriment of the target population.

I have just heard again from CWPS, though I'm sure it's by mistake. I've received a form letter from them saying that they are planning to publish a directory of programs and services for battered women (exactly what I've done four times already) and that they would like me to send them any Infor. mation I have that they could include. Apparently, while I've been busy doing this work, CWPS have been busy and successful in getting funded for it themselves!

If you feel that the actions of CWPS are unethical or unjustified, you can make your opinion felt by not cooperating with them in their requests for Information, Also you could write or call them to let them know what you think of their actions: Margaret Gates, P.J. Marschner, Pat Burton, (202) 872-1770. Center for Women Policy Studies, 2000 P Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20036.

If you would like to send information for the original directory, "Working on Wife Abuse", please send it to: Betsy Warrior--Directory, c/o Women's Center, 46 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, Mass, 02139,

letter from a

battered woman

The following letter is reprinted from Through the Looking Glass in Seattle, Washington, and was received by them from a woman serving 2 years in a prison in Oregon. Some editing has been done due to the length of the original letter.

I know the horrors of beatings; of being shot at and pistol whipped; of being tied up and watching while my grave was being dug, of having my hus band hold a gun to my child's head and demanding obedience at the threat of pulling the trigger, of trying to prevent my 12 year old daughter from being raped by my husband while father laughs and states. "I am the king of this house and can do as I damn well please."

The fear of being in into'erable Isolation and in desperate need of help is a reality in my life I will never shake. What is a woman, a mother, to do when friends turn their backs in fear, and the law at a loss of suggestions, laughs?

1 had received many beatings from my husband and my children had also. I have had cigarette burns on my arms, broken nose, cracked chest and ribs. cracked pelvic bone and a very bad concussion My children have lived through the horrors of seeing their father cut off cats' heads, kill a horse, puppies. and other animals. I tried separation but was brought back to the house at gun point. My young est boy was almost run over Intentionally by my husband in his car. He has told me repeatedly that neither my children or myself would ever be free from him and that he would stop at nothing to destroy us. His son from a previous marriage had been thrown out of our home at the age of 9 and told that he was not wanted and never to return. Is leaving the man a simple solution?

The horrors didn't cease when I left my husband My children were terrorized by the many attempts made by their father to run over my four year old son, and sick at heart upon finding my horse, our pet, beheaded by the man they called "father" Again the law laughs. The law turned its back. stating that they, the law, would have to see my hus band kill one of us before they could help.

Should any human being have to be subjected to this brutality? Where do the solutions to tragic domestic relations lie?

The general public needs to become aware of the problem that is now being scoffed off as mere domestic quarrels. The other side of the story needs to be brought out so that the public realizes just what goes on behind closed doors. As it stands today, a woman who is faced with a physically brutal and psy chologically tormenting situation actually has nowhere to go. If the victim of such cruelty goes to the law enforcement officials such as the police, the district attorney, or a judge, she is usually told that


...A MONTHLY NEWS JOURNAL PRODUCED FOR ALL WOMEN There is no subject unsuitable for our readers and therefore you will find articles on every topic from politics to poetry in each issue,


..equal and civil rights

..the right to earnings based on our need, merit and

access to job training, salaries and promotions we choose

...the right to organize in unions and coalitions to advance

our caves

the right to decent health care and health information ight to solo affective birth contral and to safe and abortions

roject motherhood

maka and express sexual peference without mogtience in education and freedom fram learning |

page 27What She Wants/February, 1978

What She Wants

What She Wants has rescheduled production to the second weekend of every month. Copy should be handed in by the first of every month so that we can discuss and edit collectively at our editorial meetings. Articles are much easier to read if they are printed or typed. Please leave material in our mailbox (second floor of the White House, 2420 S. Taylor Rd. at Scarborough, Cleveland Heights) or mail to: WSW, c/o Cleveland Women's Counsel, P.O. Box 18472, Cleveland Heights, 44118


Carat Egoista; Linda Jane; Marycatherine Krause Sarkars Louise, Barbara Rausch, Mary Walsh

FRIENDS OF THIS ISSUE Blackberry, M.B. Camp, Metiese Craig, Marie Crows, Bobbi Moody, Goll Powers

WSW sways likes input from our readers in the form of letters, articles, Off My Breeet, personal experiences WSW always likas to include new women on our staff who are willing to write, help with lay-out, organization, editorlaj, advertising, and selling full time and part time WSW always likes new subscribers, dhiribution people, outlets for sales, and publicity

WSW always needs information about what Cleveland women are doing, planning, thinking, writing, breaking ug, putting together.

WOW always needs YOUIII. WYite us at·

What She Wests c/o Cleveland Women ́s Counsat PO Box 18472, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 371-4076



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